SUIPA is the only animal shelter in the city of Rio and it has a no-kill policy. As to be expected, it is a small, worn structure bursting at the seams. There were a few thousand dogs and about four hundred cats at the time I was there.
The shelter has the standard holding area for surrendered/stray animals and a vet clinic where animals can also be groomed for a reduced price.
The dogs that get along with one another share a large court-yard, while those that are dog aggressive or people aggressive are kept separated.
The main office area holds a mixture of people and dogs hard at work; well actually the doggies just lay around.
Although it is crammed, all the animals looked to be healthy and as happy as can be given the circumstances.
There is a fee when adopting an animal and you must supply documentation to prove you have a stable place to reside at.
If you would like to donate money, please visit: SUIPA

The government has also launched a campaign where it is sterilising animals for free and re-homing abandoned ones. They have set up small clinics in several busy neighbourhoods where people can bring their cats or dogs to be de-sexed and where stray animals can be surrendered.
The re-homing project takes place once a week at different suburbs; a stall is set up, with the animals available for adoption on display. All the adult animals are sterilised, while the kittens and puppies need to be brought back in by their new owners to be de-sexed. There is both a vet and a psychologist present who interview people wishing to adopt, however, I believe that they should not be giving the animals away. People who can afford to maintain an animal should be willing to pay an adoption fee.
On the positive side, at least the Brazilian government has put this initiative into action.
In addition, I helped a few people in the local community with their animals, including vet checks and parasite control. On a few occasions we travelled to a clinic slightly further out as it was more economical, specifically being set up for people who cannot afford to otherwise provide their animals with medical care. The clinic is called the Jorge Vaitsman Institute of veterinary medicine.
This has all motivated me to start my own foundation; can’t wait to start fund raising.

Jorge Vaitsman Institute of veterinary medicine

Jorge Vaitsman Institute of veterinary medicine

This is Fred before he was treated.

This is Fred after his make over. He still looks a little scared in this photo but he became a very happy dog following his treatment.